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第一条 为加强农业机械维修行业管理,进一步搞好农业机械维修工人技术考核,贯彻1993年劳动部、农业部共同颁发的《中华人民共和国工人技术等级标准(农业)》,根据《工人考核条例》精神,制定本办法。
第二条 省、自治区、直辖市农机管理部门,应加强对农业机构维修工人技术考核工作的领导,调查从业人员状况,制定培训、考核计划,进行分类指导和监督检查,审批成立农业机械维修工人技术考核委员会,核发证件,并做好协调咨询工作。
第三条 农业机械维修工人技术考核委员会,由有关单位的管理、工程技术人员和生产一线的工人技师组成,负责考核工作的具体实施。考核委员会成员应相对稳定。
第四条 凡在各级农机维修厂、点(包括国有企业、集体合作企业、私营企业和个体户)从事拖拉机、内燃机、农用汽车、联合收割机、农用工程机械、农村机电设备及其他农业机械维修业务的技术工人或从业人员,必须经技术考核合格,方能从事农机维修工作。
第五条 已取得原八级制技术等级证书的人员,按一、二、三级对应初级工,四、五、六级对应中级工,七、八级对应高级工,重新审核,办理换证手续。
第六条 技术考核分业务理论考试和实际操作技能考核。考试考核标准执行1993年劳动部、农业部共同颁发的《中华人民共和国工人技术等级标准(农业)》,对未列入该《标准》的其他工种,按机械行业的标准考核。
第七条 农业机械维修工人的培训使用全国统编教材。以农机维修技术培训中心、农机培训学校为基地,师资以培训中心、农机校教师为主,也可聘请厂矿企业、科研等有关单位工程技术人员担任兼职教育教师。
第八条 技术考核由省(市、区)农机管理部门统一组织命题,由考核委员会组织考核。逐步建立试题库,实现农业机械维修工人培训、考核发证工作的规范化、制度化
第九条 经农业机械维修工人考核委员会考核合格者,发给农业机械维修工人相应工种、级别的《技术合格证书》。《技术合格证书》由农业部统一印制,由省(市、区)农机管理部门签发。
第十条 对持有《技术合格证书》的农机维修人员,由发证机关每两年检审一次。
第十一条 各省(市、区)农机管理部门,对在农业机械维修工人技术考核工作中做出突出成绩的单位和个人,要定期表彰。对考核工作中的违纪违法行为,视情节轻重,按有关规定进行处理。
第十二条 农业机械维修工人技术考核工作中发生的农机服务费,依据《国家计委、财政部关于农业系统涉及农民负担收费项目修改意见的通知》(计价格〔1994〕400号)第二条关于农机服务费的规定,按照国务院《农民承担费用和劳务管理条例》规定的审批程序,由省、自治区、直辖市制定收费标准和管理办法。
第十三条 省、自治区、直辖市农机管理部门可根据本办法制定实施细则。
第十四条 本办法由农业部负责解释。
第十五条 本办法自公布之日起施行。1988年农业部发布的《关于农村机械维修行业工人技术考核的补充规定》同时废止。

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第一条 本办法根据中央人民政府政务院《关于全国各级人民政府、党派、团体及所属事业单位的国家工作人员实行公费医疗预防的指示》制定之。
第二条 享受公费医疗预防待遇人员的范围如下:
第三条 各级人民政府(专署以下除外),均须组织公费医疗预防实施管理委员会,其任务如下:
第四条 各级公费医疗预防实施管理委员会由各级人民政府卫生、人事、劳动、财政、教育、建筑等部门各指派负责人员一人组织之;以卫生部门的代表为主任委员,人事及财政部门的代表为副主任委员。
第五条 凡中央、大行政区①省(市、行署)所在地之城市目前应指定一个或一个以上之医院,专门负责公费医疗预防工作;并应设法组织疗养院收容恢复期的病人,以加速医院病床的周转。
注① 各大行政区已于1955年撤销。
第六条 专署、县(旗、市)、区所在地(小城市或乡镇),目前除应先就原有县卫生院内增设病床外,并可与当地联合诊疗机构或私营医院、诊所协商合作,以解决当前公费医疗预防之需要。
第七条 无论大、中、小城市,对公费医疗预防事宜均采区域负责制。其具体组织工作由各地卫生行政机关负责办理。同一城市之公立医院均有协助完成公费医疗预防任务的责任;其医师,对公费医疗中之疑难重病,均有应邀会诊之义务。
第八条 各级人民政府应将公费医疗预防经费列入财政预算,由各该级卫生行政机关掌握使用(专区、县须经人民政府负责人批准支付,区由县人民政府统一掌握)。此项款项应专款专用,由各该级卫生行政机关掌握使用,不得平均分发。
第九条 各地卫生行政机关公费医疗预防处(科),对当地应享受公费医疗预防待遇之人员须发给公费诊疗证,俾得凭证至指定之医院或门诊部诊疗。
第十条 各地卫生行政机关对公费医疗预防医药费应按下列比例分配:
第十一条 各地卫生行政机关对公费医疗预防费用收支情况,除按财政预算制度向财政部门报核外,并应呈报中央卫生部备查。
第十二条 凡不属本办法规定范围内之机关,在当地医疗机构力能胜任的条件之下,可于商得当地卫生行政机关同意后,交付一定的医药费用,由该主管机关按本办法之规定发给机关工作人员以医疗预防证,视同享受公费医疗预防待遇人员处理。
第十三条 本办法由中央人民政府卫生部制定经政务院批准后试行。

Remedies for non-performance:Perspectives from CISG, UNIDROIT Priniciples and PECL


The growth of international trade makes some kind of unification necessary. Increased trade overseas has drawn attention to the problems that are caused by the different ways in which countries have chosen to regulate international sales. And the legal community has tried to facilitate overseas trade through efforts to harmonize national laws by legislative or non-legislative means.
Against such a background, the analysis in this contribution is focused on the CISG, UNIDROIT Principles and PECL -- three of the most important international instruments for the regulation of international commercial transactions which combine elements from both civil law and common law systems. In so doing, this contribution provides a comparative analysis of these instruments. It is merely thought that comparison is, probably, one of the most efficient ways to underline some of the unique features inherent in some legal regimes and to develop solutions to existing theoretical problems. However, as most of the authors dealing with the vast domain of this area would have done, the author in this contribution has never meant to make an exhaustive examination of international commercial law, bearing in mind that the ability of a single contribution to deal with its many issues is limited. The approach offered here is to review some of the key issues frequently befell in international trade, based on those generally accepted principles or elaborate rules as evidenced by international restatements or conventions and usages and practices or so-called lex mercatoria that is widely known to and regularly observed in international commercial transactions.
Particularly, it is said that no aspect of a system of contract law is more revealing of its underlying assumptions than is the law that prescribes the relief available for non-performance (breach). Issues relating to the remedial provisions are difficult and central substantive issues, which will no doubt be the focus of a large part of the discussion and deliberation surrounding application of commercial law on both a domestic and an international level. Therefore, the study in this contribution focuses, in light of traditional and modern theories, on the remedial scheme established under each of the three bodies of rules, namely Part III (partial) of the CISG, Chapter 7 of the UNIDROIT Principles and Chapters 8 and 9 of the PECL. In practical terms, these sectors are the substantive heart of the particular instruments. It is where the corresponding solutions to a large proportion of real world disputes in commercial transactions are to be found.
The comparative analysis contained speculates on the potential similarities and differences of these sectors, intending to enunciate rules which are common in international commercial law and at the same time to select the solutions which seem best adapted to the special requirements of international trade. One should note, however, that to the extent this contribution doesn’t give absolute priority to any one of the three instruments, whenever it is necessary to choose between conflicting rules and sometime then to derive a number of general principles which apply to all of the rules, what’s decisive to the criterion used is not just which rule is mandatory or adopted by the majority of jurisdictions, but rather which of the rules under consideration have the most persuasive value and/or appear to be particularly well suited for international commercial transactions.

Summary of Contents

Chapter 1 Sources of Inspiration
Chapter 2 Remedies Available upon Non-performance

Chapter 3 Specific Performance
Chapter 4 Nachfrist for Late Performance
Chapter 5 Cure by Non-performing Party
Chapter 6 Price Reduction for Non-conformity

Chapter 7 Right to Termination
Chapter 8 Fundamental Non-performance
Chapter 9 Anticipatory Non-performance
Chapter 10 Termination of Breached Installment or Part
Chapter 11 Declaration of Termination
Chapter 12 Effects of Termination

Chapter 13 General Measure of Damages
Chapter 14 Limits to Claims for Damages
Chapter 15 Damages upon Termination
Chapter 16 Agreed Payment for Non-performance
Chapter 17 Recovery of Attorneys’ Fees
Chapter 18 Payment of Interest

Chapter 19 Change of Circumstances
Chapter 20 Force Majeure
Chapter 21 Hardship
Chapter 22 Force Majeure & Hardship Clauses

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Sources of Inspiration